Leader in Custom Software Solutions & Creator of SRCSS

fully integrated software solutions.

Tested & Trusted Software Solutions Since 1993.

Since its inception,
NorthSoft Systems (NSS) has been a leader
in the development of custom accounting
and point-of-sale software solutions.




Snow Resort Customer Service Software (SRCSS)

In 2009, NorthSoft focused its operations on the Snow Industry, and began development of SRCSS, a fully featured, fully integrated system to serve its needs. Now used by many resorts both very large and small, SRCSS is a proven system that is far less expensive to implement and maintain than any comparable system.


SRCSS-VUI is a version of SRCSS which runs within any HTML5-compatible browser as a virtual application.  Almost every major browser available today can do this (Chrome, MS-Edge, FireFox, Safari, etc.) The software is hosted on a resort-based server.

Ski Resort Online (SRONLINE)

SRONLINE is a VUI application that looks and acts like a website however, traditional website applications are "stand-alone" and do not interact directly with a ski resort's main POS and information systems. 

SRONLINE is a VUI application that interacts directly, in real time, with the resort's information system, in this case, SRCSS or SRCSS-VUI.

PowerGL Accounting

PowerGL is robust General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable accounting package incorporating many unique features.

Custom Software Solutions

Our abilities are not limited to number crunching.

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We would love to demonstrate the full capabilities of our software products.

Please contact us for a no-obligation online demo.